Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)
Valley Sand and Gravel welcomes you to our Frequently Asked Questions page (F.A.Q.), if you are unable to find the answer to any of your questions regarding our products or services that are not covered in this section, please feel free to Contact us.
Rock, Gravel & Sand
Why would I choose rocks, sand gravel to landscape rather than greenery like grass, bushes and trees?
The concrete sidewalk between my business and customer parking lot has cracks and in places has lifted. Can it be repaired?
Where do you get your flagstone, river rock, boulders and moss rock?
I need a concrete driveway. Should I have the concrete project done in the summer or during the cooler winter temperatures?
Why would I want to purchase sand to landscape when I already have sand on my property?
I want a residential concrete patio, but the location of the patio will be 50 feet from my driveway where the concrete truck will park. Can you place the concrete that far from the driveway?
Pavers, Fence Block, Brick, Fire Pits & Ovens
What causes concrete to crack? How can that be prevented?
If after I start paving my patio or building my fire pit I decide to increase the size of the project will you have the same colored products I need?
Do you charge to deliver my concrete order?
Do you have supplies for planters, retaining walls or decor to enhance my current landscape?
Does concrete shrink when it dries?
Will the fire pit and outdoor oven projects I build withstand the use of charcoal, wood or propane?
Building a commercial building, we need commercial concrete for foundation, stairs & sidewalks delivered over a 6 month period. Can you provide a bid now for the separate deliveries & guarantee your price?
What if I cannot afford to put pavers around my fire pit as shown in the catalogs and magazines?
The area I need to concrete is 12' X 100' X 4" thick. How many yards of concrete will be needed and how many concrete trucks will be needed to deliver the concrete?
I have a vague idea how I want my landscaping to look, but I don't know where to start. Can you help?
What else do you keep in inventory to provide me with additional landscaping supplies I will need?
I like Belgard pavers and the landscaping products shown in the Belgard catalogs and magazine ads. Do you carry the Belgard landscaping products?
Rock, Gravel & Sand
Q. Why would I choose rocks, sand gravel to landscape rather than greenery like grass, bushes and trees?
A. Using decorative rock, sand and gravel eliminates the need and expense of year round watering and maintenance. Using these products have also become the preferred method of landscaping in the Southwest because of the natural beauty of the finished landscape project.
Q. Where do you get your flagstone, river rock, boulders and moss rock?
A. We get these products from various locations in Arizona. We use the
natural Arizona products so that the customer has landscape material that blends into the surrounding scenery with an eye catching visual benefit.
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Q. Why would I want to purchase sand to landscape when I already have sand on my property?
A. Adding our various colored sand will accentuate the landscape design you have chosen and result in your landscape having a professional, finished appearance.
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Pavers, Fence Block, Brick, Fire Pits & Ovens
Q. If after I start paving my patio or building my fire pit I decide to increase the size of the project will you have the same colored products I need?
A. Yes, the same size and color of the product you initially purchased will be available if you need additional products.
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Q. Do you have supplies for planters, retaining walls or decor to enhance my current landscape?
A. Yes, we have hex rings for trees and bushes, as well as our fence and slump block and Mexican bricks are available for your other projects.
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Q. Will the fire pit and outdoor oven projects I build withstand the use of charcoal, wood or propane?
A. Yes, the products we sell for fire pits and outdoor ovens are produced to resist cracking and damage from the use of gas and the heat of burning charcoal and wood when installed correctly.
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Q. What if I cannot afford to put pavers around my fire pit as shown in the catalogs and magazines?
A. You will discover many of our products are affordable, but if using pavers is outside of your budget we have colored sand and gravel you can purchase and use until your budget allows you to finish a surrounding patio with pavers. The sand and gravel can then be used for your other landscaping projects.
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Q. I have a vague idea how I want my landscaping to look, but I don't know where to start. Can you help?
A. We can help you. We have Belgard catalogs and landscaping books and magazines at our Highway 95 location to assist you in deciding on your chosen landscape theme and design.
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Q. What else do you keep in inventory to provide me with additional landscaping supplies I will need?
A. We offer a one stop shopping experience for your landscaping project. Valley Sand and Gravel has landscape fabric and plastic, affordably priced hand tools to finish concrete, spread decorative gavel and sand, cut and place pavers, and lay block or brick. Shovels and wheelbarrows are also always in stock.
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Q. I like Belgard pavers and the landscaping products shown in the Belgard catalogs and magazine ads. Do you carry the Belgard landscaping products?
A. Valley Sand and Gravel has partnered with Belgard and keeps Belgard landscaping products in stock.
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Q. The concrete sidewalk between my business and customer parking lot has cracks and in places has lifted. Can it be repaired?
A. Repair of concrete does not work well. In a short while the cracks will return and during the meantime the repair will have a different color than the existing concrete. I suggest remove and replace.
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Q. I need a concrete driveway. Should I have the concrete project done in the summer or during the cooler winter temperatures?
A. Time of year is not and important consideration. Chemical additives and hot or chilled water is available to retard or increase the set time. One consideration would be the travel time of the concrete in the mixer truck to the job site. If the distance is over 40 miles and the air temperature is over 90 degrees special thought should go into the project.
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Q. I want a residential concrete patio, but the location of the patio will be 50 feet from my driveway where the concrete truck will park. Can you place the concrete that far from the driveway?
A. No. The chute of the truck reaches about 15 feet from the truck. The concrete will travel about 5 feet once it hits the ground. In most cases like this the contractor will wheelbarrow the concrete to the patio. If the patio is large say 20 yards or more then an "In Line Concrete Pump" is probably the most efficient and cost effective method of getting the concrete to where you want it.
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Q. What causes concrete to crack? How can that be prevented?
A. There is no single answer to this. Weather, especially hot & windy weather, can create problems. In all cases proper curing of the concrete is important. Also, control joints at correct distances will keep the cracks in the correct spots. Sub-grade under the concrete is important, it should be moist and compacted. These are just a few reasons and preventions.
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Q. Do you charge to deliver my concrete order?
A. If you order 5 yards or more in Yuma then there is no extra fee. Call for the delivery cost for out lying communities and shorter loads.
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Q. Does concrete shrink when it dries?
A. Yes. As the water evaporates out during the drying process the concrete shrinks. If proper curing procedures are not done this can cause surface cracking. There should be no problem if proper water to cement rations are observed in the concrete mix and proper curing techniques are used.
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Q. Building a commercial building, we need commercial concrete for foundation, stairs & sidewalks delivered over a 6 month period. Can you provide a bid now for separate deliveries & guarantee your price?
A. Yes to all. Normally a project will have different strength requirements applied to different portions of the project. We would give and hold pricing for the different strengths.
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Q. The area I need to concrete is 12' X 100' X 4" thick. How many yards of concrete will be needed and how many concrete trucks will be needed to deliver the concrete?
A. At 4" thick a yd of concrete will cover 80 sq ft. so in this example 1200÷80 = 15 yards. At 6" thick, a yard of concrete will cover 54 sq. ft. 1200÷54 = 22.25 yards. A concrete truck holds 10 yards at a time. The formula to figure concrete is (length ft X width ft X depth ft) ÷ 27 = yards. So above example is 12 X 100 X .33=396 ÷ 27 = 15 yds.
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The 60 year mission statement of Valley Sand and Gravel remains: